
Zoom calls – skip the email links – avoid security issues

Zoom meetings are a lifesaver but watch out for those meeting links lurking in emails! Here’s why:

Bad guys can create fake Zoom links that look real, but actually lead to risky websites. Clicking them could compromise your computer and steal your information. Yikes!

So, how can you keep your Zoom meetings safe and secure? Here’s a simple trick:

Skip the email link altogether! Instead, send a direct message to your team members with the meeting details. Include the meeting ID or topic, which they can easily enter on Zoom’s homepage to join.

This way, you avoid the risk of clicking on a phony link and keep your meetings hacker-free!

Bonus Tip: Make sure everyone joining the Zoom meeting has a Zoom account (it’s free!) and knows the meeting ID or topic beforehand. This adds another layer of security.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the convenience of Zoom calls with peace of mind, knowing your meetings are safe from prying eyes.