
Your data: the digital treasure you didn’t know you had

Our phones and laptops connect us to everything, but they also store a surprising amount of personal info – from contacts and photos to where you shop and even your health data!

Think of all that information as your digital life treasure chest. It includes things like your favorite games, online searches, and even where you live. Just like money, this data has value.

So, how can you keep your digital treasure safe? Here are some key things to remember:

  • Be mindful of what you share: Not every app or website needs your entire life story. Think twice before granting access to your data.
  • Read the privacy settings: Every app and website has privacy settings. Take a moment to understand how your information is collected and used.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no: You have the right to control your data. If an app or website asks for something you’re not comfortable with, just say no!

By being a little more aware of your digital treasure, you can keep your personal information safe and secure.