
Traveling tech tips—lock it down tight

We all love staying connected on the go, but keeping your devices secure while traveling is key. Here are some quick tips:

  • Lock it Up, Like a Vault: Seems obvious, but it’s important! Get in the habit of locking your phone, laptop, or tablet whenever you’re not using it. Even a short bathroom break can be tempting to a wandering eye.
  • Short Fuse, Big Security: Set your devices to automatically lock after a short period of inactivity. This way, if you forget to lock it manually, you’re still covered.
  • PINs & Passwords: Your Digital Gatekeepers: Ditch the simple 1234 or your birthday! Use strong passwords or PINs to unlock your devices. Think a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols – the more complex, the better.

Why is all this locking and keying so important while traveling?

  • Lost and Found, Not Lost Data: Losing your device on vacation is a bummer, but a locked screen adds a layer of security. If someone finds it, they won’t be able to access your precious information.
  • Cybersecurity on the Go: Travel doesn’t mean a vacation from security threats. Public Wi-Fi networks can be risky, so keeping your device locked helps protect your data.

Bonus Tip: Consider two-factor authentication for added security. This requires a second verification step, like a code sent to your phone, to log in to your accounts.

By following these simple tips, you can transform your travels into secure and stress-free adventures. Now go out there and explore, but keep your digital life locked down tight!