To limit the chance that unauthorized individuals on your home network could access files from your computer, you may want to inhibit file sharing. This is especially true for individuals who work with sensitive information and have gone from a secure office network to their home wireless setup. Open Settings and select “Network and Internet.” […]
Unless you remove them, Alexa will store text and audio recordings indefinitely. While this is used to improve the performance of your Echo or other devices, if unauthorized parties gain access, they can use personal information to hijack additional accounts. From the Alexa app, open Settings. Then select “Account Settings” and “History.” Delete the desired […]
In August 2020, the United States Department of Justice announced that a citizen from Ghana had been extradited to the U.S. in connection with a coordinated fraud scheme responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses. At the center of the allegations was a business email compromise (BEC) attack targeting a Memphis real estate […]
Google Meet is a convenient videoconferencing solution. Now, users can protect their privacy and limit the potential exposure of personal information that might be visible on camera by using a virtual background. Before you enter a meeting, you’ll be directed to a preview page. Click the figure in the bottom right corner of the video […]
It’s far, far better to be too suspicious than too lax when it comes to your security, especially when using company devices on personal networks while working remotely. A combination of a zero-trust approach (which flags anything not explicitly known not to be a threat) with a robust IT support system (to swiftly give and […]
While the simplest way to get people to log into a Zoom meeting is to send them a link, these links are being spoofed in emails. Instead, send a direct request to members of the team with a code to enter the Zoom meeting from Zoom’s homepage. This will prevent Zoom hacking and your computer […]
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