Archives - Work from Home Tips

Don’t treat LinkedIn the same way you would treat Facebook

LinkedIn is used almost exclusively for professional connections. This means it has a very different purpose than other social media platforms such as Facebook, which are more for casual interactions between friends and family. When communicating on LinkedIn, you should keep your interactions professional and don’t comment on anything you shouldn’t. It is best to […]

Periodically reapply your CPU’s thermal paste to prevent it from overheating

Desktop computer CPUs stay cool with fans installed on top of them. These fans are carefully attached to the CPU with thermal paste, which enables effective cooling. However, because thermal paste degrades over time, it’s a good idea to replace it every two to three years. To do this, you’ll need to remove the fan […]

Consider making your Wi-Fi network private for extra security

By default, your router will automatically make your Wi-Fi network visible. However, you have the option of hiding your network completely if you don’t want unauthorized persons to know it’s there. This would require someone to enter the network’s name to connect to it.

Disable voice control on smart TVs if they are not being used

Many smart TVs are capable of being controlled by voice commands, allowing you to easily switch channels or open apps. This convenience, however, comes with a trade-off; your TV might be listening to your conversations and sending this audio data to a server over an unsecured connection. Unless you absolutely need this feature, it is […]

Take advantage of quality of service (QoS) features on your network devices

Quality of service is a common feature of routers and other networking hardware that prioritizes some types of network traffic over others. This can be very useful if you have limited data speeds: Without QoS, data comes on a first-come, first-serve basis. Configuring QoS can sometimes be difficult, but many devices have presets you can […]

Disconnect home cameras when they’re not being used

A skilled cybercriminal is capable of remotely turning on cameras to spy on you. If you’re not using a camera, whether it’s part of an in-home security system or webcam, it’s best to disconnect it entirely.This is particularly important if you have an in-home security system. Make sure to turn off the power to the […]