When checking your online bank balance or making a purchase, it’s best to avoid networks you don’t normally use, especially public Wi-Fi hotspots that might expose your activity to unwanted third parties. Conduct important transactions on your password-protected home network or with the help of a virtual private network (VPN) service.
It’s that time again. The back-to-school season is more than just a busy transition period marked by new classes and purchases of notebooks and ink pens. It’s also one of the biggest tech upgrade cycles of the year, as students buy tablets and laptops for schoolwork and swap out their old phones for the latest […]
Do you ever connect to public Wi-Fi networks? A journey through any mall, office park or downtown corridor is sure to populate your phone’s Wi-Fi list with numerous wireless options, many of them not even requiring passwords for entry. If it seems like these networks are everywhere, it’s because they are: Cisco has estimated the […]
You’ve got your bags packed and plane tickets in hand. You feel all set and ready for your big trip, so make one last check to see if you forgot anything. At this juncture, it’s important to think about whether you’re leaving home without having set up some crucial defenses against malware, identity theft and […]
The hardware address of your Windows 10 device can be used for tracking you as you move between Wi-Fi networks. To avoid this surveillance, toggle on the hardware randomization option in Windows 10’s Wi-Fi settings.
Use your mobile network connection. Your own mobile network connection, also known as your wireless hotspot, is generally more secure than using a public wireless network. Use this feature if you have it included in your mobile plan.
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