Archives - Wi-Fi

Instead of connecting to public Wi-Fi, use your smartphone as a hotspot

Accessing the internet with your phone’s data is more secure than doing so with the public Wi-Fi offered at places like coffee shops and airports. Hackers can easily invade these networks and track all the activity that goes on in them. So when you don’t have access to a VPN, use your 4G, 5G, or […]

Turn off AirDrop when using public Wi-Fi

If you’re using the same network as strangers, set limits for file sharing so that nobody can intercept your messages or send you unwanted files. If you’re on a Mac, go to Finder, click on AirDrop, then find the setting called “allow me to be discovered by” and switch it to “no one.”  You can […]

Read the terms and conditions before connecting to public Wi-Fi

People rarely read the fine print when signing up for something, but they should, especially when requesting access to a public network. By clicking “Accept,” you could be giving them permission to use your data. Do a quick scan of the terms and conditions on the splash page to locate any red flags before connecting.

When using public Wi-Fi, don’t download any sensitive assets

The programs and applications you download, as well as your internet history, can be monitored by the operator of a public network. To protect your privacy, set limitations on your activity while using public Wi-Fi in coffee shops, airports, etc. 

Stay protected while connected

The bottom line is that whenever you’re online, you’re vulnerable. If devices on your network are compromised for any reason, or if hackers break through an encrypted firewall, someone could be eavesdropping on you—even in your own home on encrypted Wi-Fi. Practice safe web surfing wherever you are by checking for the “green lock” or […]

Try not to use public Wi-Fi

If possible, always use a private network when logging onto the internet. Public wireless networks are openly connected and usually go unencrypted and unsecured. This means that hackers can easily intercept data in order to track your activity and see which websites you’re visiting. If you absolutely have to use public Wi-Fi, make sure to […]