Archives - Vulnerability

Keep your mobile apps and operating systems updated

Outdated applications and OSes are magnets for malware, since they often have known vulnerabilities that can only be fixed by upgrading. If you see a new version is available, install it right away. Some platforms, such as Apple iOS, even allow you to automatically schedule security updates so you don’t miss a crucial change.

Keep a clean machine

Update the security software, operating system, and web browser on all of your Internet-connected devices. Keeping your security software up to date will prevent attackers from taking advantage of known vulnerabilities. Use a tool like our PC Tune-up to keep your PC running like new.

Avoid mysterious email links and attachments

Ransomware encrypts your files and demands payment for their decryption. It usually starts with a malicious link or attachment targeting vulnerability in outdated software. Don’t click these items if you don’t recognize them and/or if they were flagged by your security software. Also, never pay ransoms, since they don’t guarantee safe return.