Use internet connections you trust, such as your home service or Long-Term Evolution connection through your wireless carrier. Public networks are not very secure, which makes it easy for others to intercept your data. If you choose to connect to open networks, consider using antivirus and firewall software on your device or using a Virtual […]
It’s inadvisable to do anything sensitive on any device when connected to public Wi-Fi or even to a Wi-Fi network that doesn’t belong to you. When you log in to online banking, consider doing so over a either a cellular connection or a virtual private network (VPN). Cellular and VPN connections provide more extensive protections […]
Passwords prevent unauthorized access to wireless networks. If you see a Wi-Fi network that is open, without a password requirement, do not join it unless you have no other options AND have access to a virtual private network that will encrypt your connection.
What’s the most sensitive transaction you conduct online? Chances are, it’s either managing an online bank account, buying something or performing some task that requires your Social Security number. In all instances, restrict these activities to devices you own, connected to trusted networks like your home Wi-Fi, cellular connection or a virtual private network.
When you’re on the go, connecting to a public Wi-Fi network or even one managed by a hotel might seem like the best option for internet access. There is significant risk, though, as you can’t be sure the connection is safe. Sticking to cellular is advisable, as is using a virtual private network (VPN) when […]
In our year-end roundup of the worst malware threats of 2017, we compared malware to actual biological viruses, in that both are ever-evolving phenomena. For example, you know how it’s recommended for certain demographics to get a flu shot every year? The rationale is simple: The flu virus itself is never identical from year to year, meaning that […]
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