Archives - VPN Tips

VPNs are useful for accessing region-restricted streaming services

Yes, VPNs are exceptionally useful for security purposes. But they’re also good for other things, like accessing region-restricted streaming services. For example, if you’re in the U.S. and a show you want to watch is only available in the U.K., you can use a VPN with a server located in the U.K. to access and […]

Use a VPN when submitting sensitive information, such as banking data

Because VPNs encrypt data on both ends of a data transfer, there’s virtually no risk of the data being intercepted and read. If you’re working with especially sensitive information, use a VPN for peace of mind.

Do you know what Wireless Sniffing is?

Public hotspots are often left unsecured and their data transmission is unprotected, which makes your sensitive info vulnerable. If a hacker gets hold of your traffic, they could use sniffing tools to gain access to your passwords and credit card numbers. Don’t risk it – always make sure a connection uses WPA2 encryption when connecting […]

Use end-to-end encryption whenever possible

Without encryption, the data you send or store can be read by anyone who gains access to it. One option is to use a virtual private network (VPN), which is vital if you’re using a public network. But you can also often encrypt files in cloud or external storage. Some cloud hosts will do this […]

Know that your ISP can track your search history

Most people understand by now that there’s no such thing as absolute privacy online, and even private browsers can’t control what your ISP can see. Don’t look for information on how to do anything illegal or dangerous, and don’t search for any sites or content that are against the law.

Use VPNs for financial transactions

VPNs are exceptionally useful for protecting the data that goes through a network, and data doesn’t get much more important than your financial information. Any time you’re on a banking website or doing anything that has a connection to your personal financial data, use a VPN or VPN-powered browser.