Archives - VPN Tips

Watch out for “free” VPN services

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are a good way to shield your online activity by encrypting the online connection. Although, in many cases you get what you pay for. Free VPNs may still log your actions and keep those records or sell them to third-parties; the Facebook-owned Onavo VPN, recently removed from the iOS App Store, […]

Learn about WiFi hotspots

Most of the public wireless networks and hotspots you see available are not secure, so that  means anyone could possibly see what ‘s happening on your mobile device while you are connected. If you have to be on public WiFi, limit what you do and avoid logging in to important services like email and banking […]

Beware of man-in-the-middle attacks

When someone interferes with your interactions with another party typically on a website or application, a man-in-the-middle attack may be involved. It could be monitoring your traffic via a non-secure public Wi-Fi connection or sending you to a compromised website. To stay safe, make sure your URL bar always displays HTTPS when conducting sensitive transactions, […]

10 Steps to Smartphone Security for Android

Android is the most popular consumer computer operating system (OS) in the world. Although it has a reputation for being less safe than its main competitor, Apple’s iOS, there are steps most people can take to sharply reduce the risk to their devices and data. Let’s look at ten things you can do as an […]

Use your browser’s private mode for a little additional privacy

Most web browsers feature private browsing mode. While not the most protected way of browsing, this quick solution does prevent other users on your device from accessing certain information. Any searches performed or cookies obtained during private sessions are deleted once the browser is closed. For safer browsing overall, try a Virtual Private Network or […]

Security Challenges of the Hybrid Workplace

The events of the last two years have largely shuttered offices and left many businesses working from home. Although it took some adjusting, this new, hybrid model has done wonders for productivity. According to Enterprise Technology Research, as shared by Reuters, productivity was so high in 2020 that the percentage of people working from home […]