Archives - USB

Don’t plug foreign hard drives into your computer

Did you recently fill up your hard drive and now you need a new one? In this case, always buy a fresh hard drive from a trusted provider. Don’t make the mistake of taking the cheaper option by using an old one. If you find an extra hard drive in a desk drawer in your […]

Don’t throw away old hard drives or USB drives

If you have an old hard drive or USB thumb drive, think twice about throwing it away once you no longer need it. The data that was on it might still be recoverable if it had been technically deleted. Keeping the device in storage is a safer option.

Be careful with USB thumb drives

USB thumb drives aren’t quite as ubiquitous as they once were, but they’re still a popular way to store a lot of data on a very small device. That said, you should be careful when using them, especially if they belong to someone else. Thumb drives can carry malware or even electrical pulses that can […]

Make sure USB Accessories are disabled on iOS

Apple iOS can restrict the access of certain hardware and software to a device while it’s locked. It’s important to prevent USB devices in particular from being able to connect to a locked iPhone or iPad. Open Settings -> FaceID & Passcode (or TouchID & Passcode) and scroll down to make sure USB devices aren’t […]

Beware of Public USB charging ports

Like public Wi-Fi, public USB ports in cafes and airports can’t be trusted. Connecting your device to one of them could result in a virus infection. Bring your own external battery pack, or find a standard wall socket instead.

Shop for peripherals and cables carefully

When you buy anything from a USB thumbstick to a phone charging cable, don’t settle for any old option or buy exclusively based on price. Check the vendor and the outlet you’re buying from, since some products are technically faulty (e.g., cables that aren’t certified for the right voltages) and/or might put your data at […]