Archives - USB

Vaccinate your USB drives

A common feature in antivirus software is the option to “vaccinate” USB drives. This prevents any malware from automatically running as soon as you plug it in. While this feature often goes by different names from software to software, it can be useful if you commonly share USB drives with friends or co-workers.

The most common ways to contract computer viruses

Like biological viruses, computer viruses spread in highly specific ways. Just as influenza infects people via airborne droplets containing virions the body’s immune systems can’t stop, malware takes over computing devices by bypassing their defenses. In other words, viruses don’t come out of nowhere, and with the right preparations it’s possible to contain them before they cause […]

Use an encrypted USB drive to secure sensitive files

As over 20,000 USB memory sticks are lost each year in the U.S. alone, it’s a wise idea to protect any data you might keep on one with encryption. There are two ways you can do this. You can buy encrypted USB drives that use hardware to protect whatever you store on them, or you […]

Beware of malicious code sent through external media

Malicious code, also called SQL injection, is a type of attack that places unwanted files on your computer. They may automatically install themselves into your device without your explicit permission. One good way to avoid these attacks is by disabling AutoRun or AutoPlay for external media sources. This prevents external media infected with malicious code […]

Don’t use public USB ports

Nowadays it’s not uncommon to find publicly available USB ports for charging phones and other devices. But did you know that malicious hackers can take advantage of these charging locations? Hackers can install malware or viruses and steal your information through these public USB ports. Instead, use one of your own chargers and plug it […]

Be cautious of public USB ports

Say you are traveling, you’re in an airport or cafe, you may be tempted to plug your device into an open USB port to charge it. This may be risky, since you don’t know if the port is compromised. Use a wall outlet for charging your mobile device or instead bring your own battery pack.