For every account, there is a password. The trouble is, you probably have a lot of accounts. In an increasingly digital world, people are signing up and assigning passwords like never before. But if someone gets hold of one of your passwords, your personal information, finances or data could be at risk. In fact, according […]
You can enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your game console’s storefront to prevent accidental purchases or those done by someone who has stolen your identity. Go into your console settings, then into account settings and from there you should be able to enable 2FA for all purchases. This means that every time you make a […]
We’ve all seen it. You’re scrolling through social media and suddenly someone you’ve followed for some time is consistently posting spam about a pair of knockoff sunglasses, accompanied by a link. Sometimes they show up in your feed, other times in your messages, but it never seems to go away until the account is reported. […]
For most of us, it’s become a familiar routine. You’re about to sign into an online account on a new device. It could be one of your social media profiles, a banking website, your email or something else. You enter your username and password. Then, the application prompts you to check your phone for a […]
Signing in with your Google or Facebook account can greatly speed up the sign in process for a lot of websites, or if you’re visiting for the first time, skip the sign up process entirely. It’s incredibly convenient to be able to sign in everywhere with these accounts, but also poses a security risk. Be […]
Strong passwords are among the best defenses against account hacking. Regularly changing them provides additional protection. If you receive a notification about a data breach affecting one of your accounts, that’s a good occasion to update all your passwords. It may be a good to also implement two-factor authentication on accounts if possible.
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