Archives - Two-factor Authentication

Set up recovery information for important accounts

It’s important to always have a fallback plan for sensitive accounts in case they get hacked. Two-factor authentication can help, along with recovery information like an email address and phone number. Make sure these recovery details are set up as early as possible so you’re never completely locked out.

Enable two-step authentication on your Apple ID or Google Account

Chances are you use at least one device that runs either iOS or Android. To protect your data and identity, set up two-factor authentication so that every login attempt requires an additional credential on top of your username and password. This might be a text message code or an approval from another trusted device.

Cybersecurity Advice to Share With Your Family Over Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is usually a good opportunity to catch up with family and friends. This year, consider taking a moment to help anyone who needs it brush up on their cybersecurity practices. The busy holiday shopping season, which really kicks into gear the day after Thanksgiving, is a big time of the year for cybercriminals looking […]

Protect your accounts with two-factor authentication

The hit video game “Fortnite” recently began providing rewards to players who set up two-factor authentication on their accounts. You should take this step on any service that provides it. That way, you’ll be safe even if someone gains access to your password and username.

Use alternatives to SMS for two-factor authentication

If you use two-factor authentication, it’s best to rely on codes sent to other devices or applications such as Duo or Google Authenticator instead of SMS texts. That’s because SIM hacking is on the rise. This practice entails a cyberattacker tricking a customer service representative into reassigning a phone number to a new SIM card.

Use an Apple Watch to authenticate with a Mac

Apple Watches are increasingly popular accessories for purposes like fitness tracking, but they can also help with cybersecurity. You can unlock a Mac with an Apple Watch that’s powered on and currently on your wrist, as long as you’ve configured it in your Mac’s System Preferences. Doing so has the added benefit of requiring you […]