Archives - Travel Safety

Traveling? Keep your devices safe at all times

It’s best to limit the devices you take with you on trips to a minimum. Whether it be a smartphone, tablet or computer, any one of these devices could expose your personal information if it’s misplaced or falls into the wrong hands. If you can’t bring it with you, tablets and computers are best left […]

Think again before posting holiday travel plans on social media

Sharing updates about holiday vacations and other trips is one of the most common social media activities, but it may be a chancy one. Sharing your travel information publicly may be dangerous to your security – someone might plan a robbery based on knowledge of when you won’t be at home.

Disconnect your smart device from any Wi-Fi connections when not in use

While it’s generally a good idea to avoid using public Wi-Fi networks, sometimes they’re a necessary evil. If you do have to use one, disconnect them from any Wi-Fi connections when not in use. You never know who (or what) could be connected to a public Wi-Fi network, especially while you’re away from your device.

Turn off your phone’s “always on” display

Some smartphones have an “always on” display feature where they will show the time and date, as well as your notifications, on your screen while the phone is locked. This setting is switched on by default. Having this option on, may allow others to see sensitive information that can show up in your push notifications. […]

Don’t use public charging stations unless absolutely necessary

Public charging stations may be convenient if you’re running low on battery, but they can be a big security risk. Hackers have been known to set up fake charging stations in an effort to access people’s phone data and install malware. On top of that, it’s easy to forget your phone at a charging station […]

Limit the number of devices you take with you when traveling

When traveling, try to limit how many devices you take with you. The more devices you take with you, the more devices that can be stolen, meaning a greater chance of your information being stolen right along with it. If possible, keep your devices near you at all times or store them in a safe […]