Archives - Travel Safety

Traveling? Stuff your suitcase with these cybersecurity tips and best practices

Whether traveling abroad, across the country or even just around town, it’s always best to be well prepared. And in the digital age, that means packing your bags with all the cybersafety know-how you possibly can. Luckily, you don’t need to make any extra space in your carry-on luggage. Keeping cybersecurity in mind is enough […]

Do not conduct sensitive transactions on a public shared device

Even though computers available at libraries, college campuses and other public locations are convenient resources for low-risk activities like browsing the web or collaborating on documents. They’re less not to good for conducting online banking or shopping transactions, because you can’t be sure they’re totally secure. Bets staying with your own devices and networks for […]

Don’t use public USB ports

Nowadays it’s not uncommon to find publicly available USB ports for charging phones and other devices. But did you know that malicious hackers can take advantage of these charging locations? Hackers can install malware or viruses and steal your information through these public USB ports. Instead, use one of your own chargers and plug it […]

Don’t do sensitive transactions on a shared public device

Although computers may be accessible at libraries, college campuses and other public locations they may be OK for low-risk activities like online browsing or collaborating on documents. They should not be used for conducting activities like online banking or shopping, since you can’t be sure they’re 100 percent secure. Stick to your own devices and […]

Be cautious of public USB ports

Say you are traveling, you’re in an airport or cafe, you may be tempted to plug your device into an open USB port to charge it. This may be risky, since you don’t know if the port is compromised. Use a wall outlet for charging your mobile device or instead bring your own battery pack.

Be careful when using public PCs

When staying in a hotel or studying in a library, be mindful of how you use publicly accessible computers. There’s no telling who accessed these PCs or how safe they may be. Don’t log in to any personal accounts or input any sensitive information – public computers may be infected with keylogging malware designed to […]