Archives - Spam

Test your DKIM records

Domain key identified mail (DKIM) uses public and private keys to ‘sign’ an email you’re receiving. This often prevents messages from hitting spam or junk, and isn’t completely necessary. However, it’s worth adding DKIM verification to your email domain. Different providers have their own techniques for doing so, but once it’s up, send a test […]

Avoid additional spam by using a disposable email address

Instead of your actual email address to sign up for something you’ll only ever use once, do yourself a favor and try a disposable one. It takes only minutes to sign up for an email address. This can be a good idea for websites whose services you’ll likely never use again and whose emails will […]

Don’t post your email address to a public forum

If you want to give someone on a message board or social network you email address, it’s best to send it to them via a private or direct message. Alternatively, you can type out the address, substituting actual words for the “@” and “.” symbols. This method protects you from having your email captured by […]

Report harassment and spam while gaming online

Playing games online with friends can be a great time, but not everyone likes to follow the rules. Be sure to report harassment, whether via messages or voice chat, and mark any spam messages as well to mitigate security risks for yourself and the rest of the online community. Developers should take swift action to […]

Flag spam emails in your inbox

The less spam emails you receive, the safer you’ll be. You never know when you might accidentally open a link from a scammer that unleashes malware on your computer. To be safe, flag all spam emails as soon as you receive them. That will direct all future emails from that sender into your spam folder.

Don’t open spam email, delete it

Never respond to email spam, as this will verify to the sender that it is a “live” address. Best practice is to setup a primary and secondary email address – one for people you know and one for all other purposes.Avoid giving out your email address unless you know how it will be used.Never purchase […]