Archives - Snapchat

Turn off Quick Add in Snapchat

The Quick Add feature in Snapchat allows friends of friends to find and add each other more easily in the app. While this is convenient for genuine connections, it can also be used by bad actors if they hijack an account. Turning off Quick Add will prevent anyone finding your account via your friends. It […]

Turn off Quick Add on Snapchat

Snapchat allows other users to add you based on mutual friends or interests. This sounds fairly safe, but might expose you to unwanted attention, or even scammers who know someone you once added to your phone and forgot about. Nefarious Snapchat requests can spread through a network of people from a single contacts book. To […]

Customize your location settings in Snapchat

You can change Snapchat’s settings so that only the people you choose can view your location. To change your location settings, tap the gear button at the top of the Map screen. From there you can change who can see your location or hide your location from everyone by turning on Ghost Mode. You can […]

Before you enter a group chat on SnapChat, see who’s in it

In your privacy settings on SnapChat, you can decide who can see your stories as well as who can send you snaps or private messages. However, even if those accounts are limited to your approved friends list, you can still engage with non-friends if you enter a group chat with them. So, if you don’t […]

Be extra careful with applications that frequently get hacked

Cybercriminals target some applications more than others. Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp are the three most hacked apps, while Facebook, Amazon and Netflix sit much lower on the list. These rankings are important to consider when tightening up cybersecurity for yourself and your loved ones.