Archives - Smart Home

Try Paranoid for your smart speakers

If you don’t want your smart speaker hearing your conversations, but you don’t want the hassle of consistently muting and unmuting it or using a voice remote, you can try Paranoid. Paranoid is a device that sits on the mute button of the smart speaker and only turns it off when it hears the wake […]

Disable personal results on your Google Nest device

You might want to limit the amount of personal information readily available in your Google Nest device to protect against hackers or guests in your home whom you don’t know very well yet. If that’s the case, you can disable personal results on your Google Nest device, because it keeps track of private information like […]

Block your address book on your Alexa device

If your Alexa device hears you incorrectly, it might send a text message or email you did not intend, or it might call someone you didn’t mean to call. Disable the address book sharing feature on your Alexa device to prevent this. To block your address book: Open Conversations in the Alexa app. Tap the […]

Use your Alexa voice remote and mute the microphone on the Alexa device

Alexa devices only store relevant information, but if you would like to make sure it only records you when you speak specifically to it, you can turn off the microphone and only talk to it through the voice remote, which comes with the device. To turn off the microphone, just push the mute button on […]

Enable Voice Match on your Google Nest device

Unlike Alexa devices, Google Nest has a feature called “Voice Match,” which learns your voice over time. Once your device knows your voice, no one will be able to use your Google Home except for you, which will prevent third parties from accessing the device for your stored information. To set up Voice Match: Select […]

Proceed with caution when connecting accounts to your Google Nest

The more accounts you connect to your Google Nest device, the more convenient it is. However, some accounts are better left disconnected, like your online banking account. Information that stays within Google is encrypted, but information that goes from your Google Nest to a third-party is not necessarily protected.