Archives - Small Business

Implement a “clean desk, clear screen” policy for employees

A clean desk policy involves removing any sensitive business information from your desk everyday. This can include USB sticks, notebooks, business cards and printed documents. Inadvertently leaving them out is an invitation to data theft, which could result in a serious breach of your business’ network. Add a ‘clear screen’ policy, so employees are required […]

Create fail safes for employee devices

If you have a bring your own device (BYOD) policy at work, make full use of mobile device management (MDM) applications so you can remotely access, track and wipe the data from a device should it be lost or stolen. High end MDM will also allow you to set regular automated data backups to your […]

Use Google Analytics to track visitor locations

Your business website may be a convenient backdoor into your systems which hackers could exploit to gain access to sensitive information, or simply hijack your website and hold it to ransom. As hackers will often bounce through VPNs across the globe, you can use Google Analytics to monitor where traffic is coming from and flag […]

Educate your employees

Securing business data and information is tantamount to keeping your company safe and fully functional. When it comes to threats like phishing scams, your employees are your first line of defense. Make sure teams are aware of risks and what to look out for. Provide refresher training, including useful insights into how they can keep […]

Multi-layer your company’s security

Apply multiple layers of defense to business networks to create a more secure network. Not only should this include using several different layers of security, but potentially more than one of the same type, too. Using more than one firewall, for example, means that you can partition different parts of the network behind different firewalls. […]

Proactively train employees on cybersecurity

Establishing a culture of cybersecurity at your organization begins with training everybody on the basics and best practices that should be followed – but it doesn’t end there. You should be training and retraining your workforce throughout the year rather than sitting everyone down for an annual meeting. Provide timely updates about cybersecurity threats and […]