Archives - Security Settings

Locking down your web browser: a guide to security settings

Your web browser is the gateway to the internet, and it’s likely that you use it to access a wide range of websites and online applications. However, this also makes your browser a potential target for cyber threats. To protect yourself, it’s essential to check and configure your browser’s security settings. In this article, we’ll […]

Stop those sneaky images: disable auto-loading in Gmail

Ever received an email with an enticing subject line, only to find it’s filled with suspicious images? Those images might not just be pretty pictures – they could be hiding malicious code designed to infect your computer. Why Disable Auto-Loading Images? How to Disable Auto-Loading Images in Gmail: For Mobile Users: By disabling auto-loading images, […]

Check what devices are logged into your Google account

Ever feel like someone else might be snooping around your Google Account? Maybe you noticed an unfamiliar device logged in, or you’re just feeling a little uneasy. Good news! You can easily check which devices are currently accessing your account. Here’s how: What to Do if You See Something Suspicious: By regularly checking which devices […]

Stay updated, stay protected: the importance of software updates

In today’s digital age, our devices are constantly evolving, and so are the threats targeting them. To stay safe online, it’s crucial to keep your software and operating systems up-to-date. Why Updates Matter: How to Stay Updated: Additional Tips: By staying up-to-date with the latest software and security patches, you can significantly reduce your risk […]

Take a close look at your mobile app permissions

Your smartphone is a digital Swiss Army knife, packed with apps that do everything from playing games to managing your finances. But be careful! Some apps might be hiding malicious intentions. When you download a new app, it often asks for permissions. These permissions allow the app to access different parts of your phone, like […]

Update now, relax later—automatic updates for a worry-free digital life

We’ve all been there: that nagging pop-up reminding you to update your software. Easy to just hit snooze, right? But those updates are like digital armor patches, fixing security holes hackers might exploit. Here’s why automatic updates are your best friend: By using automatic updates and reboots, you can transform your devices from vulnerable targets […]