Archives - Security Best Practice

Take immediate action if your account was breached

Data breaches happen all the time. Eventually, at least one of your accounts will likely be affected. To stay safe, always change your password as soon as possible after the breach is disclosed, and use a password generator to create something difficult to guess. You should also go further by implementing two-factor authentication if available.

Use digital file shredders to dispose of sensitive documents

Deleting something from your computer doesn’t mean it’s really gone; it’s just hidden from the operating system. With the right tools, someone could conceivably recover sensitive data you thought was gone. File shredding software provides a solution, in the form of data sanitization methods that overwrite deleted items to make them far less accessible.

Don’t save credit card info on websites

Websites will often offer to save your card details for next time. This is convenient, but not without risk. If the site were ever breached, your card number might be stolen and used for fraudulent purchases. The alternative is to enter the number manually each time or pay with a more secure service such as […]

Use a variety of strong passwords

Use different passwords for different accounts and devices. Do not choose options that allow your device to remember your passwords. Although it’s convenient to store the password, that potentially allows cybercriminals into your accounts if your device is lost or stolen.

Take a pass on that online quiz

Companies like BuzzFeed have turned online quizzes into a cultural phenomenon. Which “Game of Thrones” character are you? Do you remember these 90s TV shows? Before you answer either of those questions via a quiz, consider doing almost anything else – these quizzes are designed in part to harvest your data and sell it to […]

Why is computer security important?

Because computers play such critical roles in our lives, and because we input and view so much personally identifiable information on them, it’s imperative to implement and maintain computer security. Computers are an essential part of our everyday lives. It’s important to properly configure your home computer before connecting it to the internet to keep […]