OpenStreetMap is run by a nonprofit organization, and it’s updated by the very people who use it. Anyone can create an account and add pictures or other information to make location details more accurate. You do not need to log into your account to use the app, and there are no ads. Some limited data […]
If you appreciate Google for its accuracy in finding relevant information while you’re searching, but don’t appreciate the added tracking and clickable ads, Startpage might be a great alternative for you. This privacy-focused search engine pays Google for the right to use its search algorithm, so you get results that are just as helpful, but […]
Epic Privacy Browser is secure because it uses a virtual private network (VPN) with servers in eight countries and provides free VPN access. It blocks ads, trackers, fingerprinting, cryptomining and ultrasound signaling, and it can stop over 600 tracking attempts every browsing session. Epic Privacy Browser is available for Apple, Windows and Android devices. To […]
It’s a bad idea to keep all of your important photos, videos, documents and apps that you would never want to lose track of on one local system that hasn’t been backed up. Best practice is to maintain multiple copies across different locations, using online backup and/or external hard drive solutions as needed.
Countless smartphones, tablets and laptops are eventually abandoned by their manufacturers, at least when it comes to regular security and operating system updates. When this happens to a device you rely on, consider switching it out for a newer or alternative version or one that is still getting these critical patches and upgrades.
Most organizations – banks, universities, companies, etc. – will not request your personal information over email. Do not disclose personally identifiable information online such as your full name, telephone number, address, social security number, insurance policy number, credit card information, or doctor’s name. Avoid opening attachments, clicking on links, or responding to email messages from […]
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