Obtaining a .gov domain is easier than you think. By successfully impersonating elected officials (like the mayor of a small town), and filling out an application, hackers can illegally purchase .gov domains with little proof of authority. Keep this in mind the next time you’re entering private information into a .gov website.
Business information typically includes a mix of personal and proprietary data. While you may think of trade secrets and company credit accounts, it also includes employee personally identifiable information (PII) through tax forms and payroll accounts. Do not share PII with unknown parties or over unsecured networks.
URL shortening is a technique used to make links friendlier and easier to remember, particularly when displayed on social media channels. For example, with Twitter’s 140-character limit, shortened links help give users more space in their tweets. However, they’re also used by cybercriminals as a tool for malware, so don’t be too quick to click […]
Did you recently fill up your hard drive and now you need a new one? In this case, always buy a fresh hard drive from a trusted provider. Don’t make the mistake of taking the cheaper option by using an old one. If you find an extra hard drive in a desk drawer in your […]
If you recently bought and downloaded an antivirus solution, don’t assume you’re off the hook when it comes to cyberthreats. There are some sophisticated hacking techniques out there which can evade antivirus efforts. For example, email phishing scams often include malware attachments that might go undetected by antivirus solutions. So even if you have antivirus […]
If you plan on selling your phone or giving it to a friend, make sure you delete everything that’s on it first. Take a minute to think about which files you want to hold on to. These could be pictures, messages, phone numbers, notes, etc. Back all of that data up into the cloud or […]
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