When you receive your Medicare card in the mail, put it in a secure place where no one will find it. And if someone contacts you by phone or email asking for your Medicare number, don’t give it to them. Cybercriminals who pose as health care professionals can use this information to steal your identity.
Most computer operating systems have a “safe mode,” which is used to evade viruses and other performance issues during a reboot. It works by only running the programs that are necessary to start up the system. This allows users to troubleshoot and identify programs that are preventing the system from working normally.
If you’re riding the train, waiting in line at a coffee shop, or standing in a crowded elevator, try not to type in passwords in plain sight or without them being scrambled. Someone behind you could be watching what you type as you log into Facebook or make a payment on Amazon. If you’re in […]
Even if you can’t wait for a new PC game to come out, don’t purchase a pirated version from an illegal website. These sites are littered with malware that can infect your computer and intercept your payment credentials. Don’t fall into that trap. Instead, be patient and buy the game from an official repository when […]
After you publish content online, it is available to other people and to search engines. You can change or remove information after something has been published, but it is possible that someone has already seen the original version. Even if you try to remove the page(s) from the internet, someone may have saved a copy […]
Password manager applications manage different accounts and passwords while having added benefits, including identifying weak or repeated passwords. There are many different options, so start by looking for an application that has a large install base (e.g., 1 million plus) and an overall positive review. Properly using one of these password managers may help improve […]
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