Archives - Security Best Practice

Avoid downloading anything you didn’t explicitly seek out

When you’re browsing the web, you might be tempted by a pop-up ad to install some kind of program, usually a security one. But to be on the safe side, it’s best to avoid downloading any programs you weren’t actually looking for. This will help keep you away from any suspicious software that, even if […]

Meet at a police station any time you want to perform an in-person transaction

If you try to buy something from someone online and both parties agree to meet in person, you should always meet in a well-lit public location and never at your home. The safest option may be a police station’s parking lot. Some of these locations even have dedicated spots for completing in-person transactions.

Have a backup email account in case your primary is compromised

If someone gets a hold of your email credentials, they can potentially do a lot of damage to your privacy. This makes it a good idea to have at least one other email address that you can use as a backup recovery email. All major email services allow you to register a backup email for […]

What’s a phishing attack?

Phishing is a type of social engineering tactic intended to steal personal information from unsuspecting people. It generally occurs in the form of emails or websites appearing to come from reputable companies or organizations, such as credit card companies or charities. The messages often indicate that there is a problem and will request for individuals […]

Don’t geotag your posts on Instagram or Facebook

It’s cool to add a geotag to make the post more interesting but it can lead to potential danger. People who check out your updates could assume – correctly – that your house is empty and try to break in. Plus, your location could end up getting you bombarded with ads. Ultimately, it’s better to […]

What to do in case of a data breach

Between 2013 and 2016, Yahoo was targeted by Russian cybercriminals to obtain private user information. This included names, email addresses, phone numbers, passwords and answers to security questions. Three billionusers were affected, making it the worst data breach in history. Data breaches are common, and nearly everyone has been affected by at least one (and […]