Archives - Security Best Practice

Use a mobile banking app for account management

This recommendation isn’t merely for convenience, but significantly for security. Official banking apps are usually the safest platforms for receiving activity alerts, viewing statements, and confirming login attempts via 2-factor authentication. Such apps also minimize the chance of falling prey to fraudulent emails masquerading as your bank, intent on pilfering your information. Furthermore, these apps […]

Why is computer security crucial?

Since computers have become integral to our daily lives and handle a vast amount of personal data, it is vital to establish and maintain robust security measures. Computers are indispensable in various aspects of our lives. Properly setting up your home computer before connecting to the internet is essential to protect both the device and […]

Use a next-generation firewall instead of a traditional firewall

This mainly applies to businesses. Traditional firewalls have limited potential and don’t typically include features like built-in malware protection and application monitoring. Next-generation firewalls do and are much more powerful than their counterparts. As a result, upgrading to a next-generation firewall can significantly enhance overall security and better protect sensitive information from new threats.

Turn off information storage on your browser

Many computer users take advantage of the convenience of saving credentials into your browser so you don’t have to enter them repeatedly. This lets you instantly fill out credit card numbers and personal information across all websites. However, all this data is stored in your browser, meaning a criminal can potentially access it. A far […]

If you own a business, consider replacing your MPLS network with SD-WAN

Multiprotocol layer switching (MPLS) networks have, for decades, been the gold standard for businesses that need wide-area network connectivity between several different locations. But due to their age, they have difficulty integrating with newer technologies such as cloud computing. They’re also notoriously expensive and difficult to configure. An increasingly popular alternative to MPLS is software-defined […]

Close credit accounts you no longer use

It’s not a good idea to have too many unused credit accounts. This introduces possible security risks, and in some cases, it may harm your credit score. You can check how many open credit accounts you have by visiting a credit bureau’s website, such as Experian, TransUnion or Equifax. You may discover you have more […]