Archives - Security Best Practice

Make your PC or Mac log off after a set period of time

Once you leave your computer, you don’t want someone else gaining unauthorized access to it. Setting an automatic logoff timer ensures that it’s not vulnerable when you step away for an extended period. This can be done easily on both Windows and macOS.

Avoid Java unless you really need it

Like Flash, Java has long been associated with specific types of desktop applications and with numerous security issues. The weakest link in your security chain is the most popular app you haven’t’ updated, and for a lot of people, that’s Java. Luckily, it’s possible to get by without Java in many cases. Disable or uninstall […]

When in doubt, uninstall an app or extension

Chances are you have a lot of apps on your phone or tablet that you don’t use. In 2017, App Annie estimated the average smartphone has 60 to 90 apps installed. It’s important to regularly review all of them and see if any can be deleted, since they might be unsupported, compromised or performing unwanted […]

Don’t use an admin account on a daily basis

Admin accounts are powerful. They extend certain permissions not available to other accounts on a device. The bad news is that if your device is lost, stolen or hacked, these administrator capabilities could be manipulated to cause a lot of damage. Consider setting up a second account for daily use, one without admin privileges.

Enable Limited Ad Tracking on iOS

Overall, iOS has many built-in security and privacy protections turned on by default. There are additional features that can help shield your data from falling into the wrong hands. Under Settings –> Privacy –> Advertising, you can select “Limit Ad Tracking” to control how much information is shared between apps.

Randomize your hardware address on Windows 10

The hardware address of your Windows 10 device can be used for tracking you as you move between Wi-Fi networks. To avoid this surveillance, toggle on the hardware randomization option in Windows 10’s Wi-Fi settings.