Archives - Scam

Check for typos when typing out URLs

Typosquatting is the practice of hosting a website at an address that is similar to a popular URL yet off by a character or two, turning it into a trap for anyone making a common typo. Look carefully at what you type or, better yet, just save frequently visited sites as bookmarks and navigate to them from there […]

Beware of cryptocurrency tech support scams

Criminals may pose as cryptocurrency (virtual currency) tech support. Individuals in need of tech support may use online search engines to find technical support companies. Criminals pay to have their fraudulent tech support company’s link show higher in search results hoping victims will choose one of the top links in search results. The fraudulent support […]

Use parental controls on services like Netflix and YouTube

Both of these video streaming services allow for password-protected parent controls to limit what children can see. On YouTube in particular, these protections are useful for protecting your kids from the misinformation campaigns and scams that are widespread on the site.

Urgent emails – think before you act

Ignore emails or communications that create a sense of urgency and require you to respond to a crisis, such as a problem with your bank account or taxes. Imposter scams happen when you receive an email or call seemingly from a government official, family member, or friend urgently requesting that you wire them money to […]

Beware of “free” prizes; if you think an offer is too good to be true then it probably is

It’s a common scam technique by which a person is duped into revealing personal or confidential information that the scammer can use illicitly or fraudulently.

Is it Safe to Sign into Websites with Your Social Media Account?

Is it OK to sign into a website with your Facebook or Google account?