Archives - Privacy

How to check your privacy is protected

Review the website privacy policy before submitting your name, email address, or other personal information on a website. This policy should state how the information will be used and whether or not the information will be distributed to other organizations. Businesses sometimes share information with partner vendors who offer related products or may offer options […]

Erase your Amazon browsing history to protect your privacy

Amazon keeps a detailed record of everything you search, shop and save on their marketplace. As a result, you likely see suggestions for similar products all over their website. If this makes you uncomfortable, you can erase your browsing history from your Amazon profile.

Avoid using email for sending sensitive information

Email is founded on an old set of communication protocols with limited privacy safeguards. Don’t send your most sensitive personal information (like your Social Security number) over email if possible. Use encrypted chat or a voice call instead.

Before getting rid of an old hard drive, make sure it’s unreadable

There’s always a chance somebody could get a hold of your old hard drives or flash drives. Make sure your data is deleted and unreadable before you throw out or sell it to anyone else. If it’s a work computer it also may be required by your employer’s tech policy, check with the IT department […]

Delete recordings on your Amazon Alexa to protect your privacy

Did you know that Alexa is always listening? Alexa listens for your “wake” word, the phrase that tells the device to start doing something. When you say Alexa’s wake word, the device will record everything it hears until the interaction has ended. It does this to optimize and personalize its performance specifically to the user. […]

When using a public forum like Reddit, don’t disclose identifying information

Public forums like Reddit offer a place to talk about prescient topics and share stories. If you decide to share a story or leave a comment, be sure not to include any information that could give away your identity.