Unless you trust a site, don’t give your address, password, or credit card information. Look for indications that the site uses SSL to encrypt your information. Although some sites require you to supply your social security number (e.g., sites associated with financial transactions such as loans or credit cards), be especially wary of offering this […]
This might seem like a pain, but hard drives don’t lose their data very easily. If you want the information on a hard drive to be permanently eliminated, make sure the parts that house the data are destroyed before discarding it. This means destroying the platters and circuit board inside the hard drive completely beyond […]
Most of the time, an app doesn’t really need to know your location. It’s usually just for the sake of convenience so you don’t have to plug in your address manually. Still, it’s more secure to only give location access to apps that need it, so only give permissions to apps that you’re comfortable with […]
This might seem obvious, but you may be surprised at how many people stick their login credentials to their monitors at work. This can potentially give access to anyone if you so much as step away from your workstation for a few minutes. If the bad actor doesn’t sit down at your desk directly, they […]
Lots of the latest smart TVs include automatic content recognition (ACR), which studies everything you view on the device – whether it’s streamed over the internet, cable, or via broadcast television – and uploads this information to a server for use in a recommendation engine. To guard your privacy, turn off this setting; its name […]
Phishers often drive would-be victims to domains they misleadingly claim are legitimate sites, such as a bank’s web app or an identity verification landing page, requiring you act quickly. You can preempt this line of attack by keeping all your most important sites saved as bookmarks in your web browsers. These bookmarks can provide a […]
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