Archives - Privacy

Power-off smart speakers when you’re not using them

Some smart speakers are set to always listen for certain keywords. That makes them highly responsive, but it can also create privacy concerns. If you’re not using them, or are conducting a sensitive conversation, consider unplugging them or powering them off to stay safe.

Purchase privacy protection if you register a website domain

By default, purchases of new website domains publish your name and mailing address in a publicly searchable database. This can lead to unwanted spam. Fortunately, you can usually pay a small annual fee to keep your registration information private.

Limit the amount of personal information you post on social sites

Do not post information that would make you vulnerable, such as your address or information about your schedule or routine. If your connections post information about you, make sure the combined information is not more than you would be comfortable with strangers knowing. Also be considerate when posting information, including photos, about your connections.

How do you know if your privacy is being protected?

Check the privacy policy – before submitting your name, email address, or other personal information on a website, look for the site’s privacy policy. This policy should state how the information will be used and whether or not the information will be distributed to other organizations. Companies sometimes share information with partner vendors who offer […]

Forget about posting a privacy notice to your Facebook account

You might have seen Facebook posts beginning with “For the record…” and containing official-sounding language about how the poster is denying Facebook the ability to “take action” against him or her based on various statutes. These posts do nothing. If you want to control your privacy on the site, the best step is to not […]

Stop your Facebook profile from being searchable by phone number

Although it wasn’t designed as such, Facebook is a powerful caller ID service – it’s easy for anyone to paste a phone number into the search field and find the profile associated with it. The same can be done with email addresses. Change your privacy settings to prevent strangers from easily digging into your personal […]