If you use Facebook, it’s a good idea to periodically download your data so that you have a copy in case anything were to ever happen to the site or you decided to leave the platform. You can do so from Settings -> Your Facebook Information -> Download Your Information.
Facebook provides a way for you to see when and where you logged into the site/app. If you are still logged in from a browser or device you haven’t used in days or weeks, it’s prudent to log out so that someone else doesn’t gain access to your account.
Be sure to review and understand the details of an app before downloading and installing it. Be aware that apps may request access to your location and personal information and determine what information you want the app to be sharing or transmitting. Delete any apps that you do not use regularly to increase your security.
Companies like BuzzFeed have turned online quizzes into a cultural phenomenon. Which “Game of Thrones” character are you? Do you remember these 90s TV shows? Before you answer either of those questions via a quiz, consider doing almost anything else – these quizzes are designed in part to harvest your data and sell it to […]
Providing your email address to a website is often a necessary step for setting up an account. To reduce the amount of mail you receive and avoid phishing more generally, consider using a dedicated email address separate from your personal account. For forums or other quick and non-vital signups, a burner email address might be […]
It’s possible to log in to Facebook with your phone number and to send SMS messages via Facebook Messenger. However, there’s some risk involved, as your number might be sold to marketers or be used by strangers to look up your profile without even knowing your name. Stick with your email address if possible.
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