Archives - Privacy

Use a privacy screen for your laptop while traveling

If you need to use your laptop in a crowded place, as airplanes and airports can be, you could be in very close proximity to other people. Privacy screens make it difficult for people to decipher what’s shown on the computer unless they are looking at it from directly in front and at very close […]

Use Startpage for private web searches

If you appreciate Google for its accuracy in finding relevant information while you’re searching, but don’t appreciate the added tracking and clickable ads, Startpage might be a great alternative for you. This privacy-focused search engine pays Google for the right to use its search algorithm, so you get results that are just as helpful, but […]

How to add and use an authenticator app

A basic rule for keeping your accounts secure is to use a different password for all of them. This is so if someone gains access to one of your passwords, they won’t have the master key to all of your private information. However, remembering all of your passwords is nearly impossible, especially keeping in mind […]

Limit personal information on your public LinkedIn profile

You should edit your public LinkedIn profile to hide unnecessary personal data, like your ZIP code or contact information. To do this: Select your picture in the top right corner. Select View Profile > Edit Public Profile and URL > Select Edit Content. Make any edits necessary and save.

Use Tor for private browsing

Tor allows for anonymous browsing, and it utilizes a distributed network in order to hide your IP address. This is significant because it ensures a high level of security whether you download the browser itself or add it as a plugin. Tor is not available in all countries, so be sure to check if it […]

Please review with care before posting on social networks

The Internet is a public resource – post only information you are comfortable with anyone seeing. This includes information and photos in your profile and in blogs and other forums. Also, once you post information online, you can’t retract it. Even if you remove the information from a site, saved or cached versions may still […]