Many people are already aware that sharing too much personal information on social media can have some negative repercussions. If you pay others or accept payments using Venmo, you might be unaware of just how public that information is, at least when you use the app’s default settings. You can set individual payments to “private” […]
Social networking sites typically allow you to choose who has access to see your email address. Consider hiding your email account or changing the settings so that only a small group of people that you trust are able to see your address. Know that when you use applications on these sites, you may be granting […]
Most people will accept a company’s privacy policy without reading a single word of it first. By doing this, you may be allowing that service to track, collect and sell your data without your knowledge. Before creating accounts with new services, make sure you know what you’re signing up for by at least skimming the […]
By using a private browser, you can prevent websites from tracking and collecting your data. Plus, none of your browsing history will be recorded, so you don’t have to worry about other users snooping on your activity.
In your browser’s settings, you should be able to turn on “do not track,” which means every website you visit will be asked to refrain from tracking your data. While many sites will ignore this request, it’s a good way to start limiting how much of your data is being collected by online services.
An email can live forever if the recipient doesn’t delete it. Even then, it might still be recovered on one of its mail servers. Review each email to see if it contains any information that might cause you trouble down the road, such as some inadvertently copy/pasted text or a Social Security number.
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