Archives - Phishing

Educate yourself on the most popular types of cyberattacks

Cybercrime is a constantly-evolving threat that is always finding new ways to breach your privacy. For example, phishing attacks develop new tactics to make them look legitimate, malware developers discover new ways to install them onto your device, and data breaches at companies that store private consumer information happen at alarming rates. To help protect […]

How to chat with chatbots

Chatbots are widely used to facilitate customer engagement, but they can be awkward and even risky to interact with. If you happen to receive an unexpected call asking, “can you hear me”, a voicemail message claiming that your warranty has expired (even if you don’t have one) or a chat message that suggests you enter […]

Real police officers don’t communicate by phone, text or chat

A common tactic for bad actors to scam people into giving up valuable personal information is to pose as a police officer when contacting a potential victim. However, just because someone says they’re a law enforcement officer doesn’t mean they are. This goes for all forms of remote communication, including phone calls: If someone claiming […]

Beware of phishing on new or unfamiliar website

When visiting a website for the first time – perhaps via an email link – lookout for the telling signs of phishing. These may involve misspellings and grammatical mistakes on the page, aggressive advertising and particularly unusual and complex URLs. If you see some or all of them, leave the website straightaway.

Beware of phishing text messages

Phishing scams aren’t limited to email. It’s a good habit not to respond to any text messages from senders you don’t recognize. If you receive a suspicious text that claims to be from a person you know or a popular company, double-check by making a new text message thread with the person or contacting the […]

The top signs of a phishing email

Phishing emails lurk in the shadows of your inbox, hoping to snag your data like a hungry angler. But fear not, savvy surfers. Here’s your secret weapon: a phishing radar to sniff out these deceptive messages before they reel you in. First, keep your eyes peeled for typos and grammar blunders. These emails might look […]