Phishing is one of the most common cyber threats, with the number of phishing-related daily emails reaching millions. Speaking to business owners and managers, consider implementing routine phishing awareness training for employees, focusing on simulated phishing exercises to let employees know how to recognize and report phishing attempts. Given that employees are common targets for […]
Phishing is a type of online scam designed to get you to reveal personal information such as credit card numbers and passwords. Chrome’s PhishDetector detects phishing attacks on online banking websites. Similarly, PhishTector identifies phishing emails in Gmail.
When it comes to cybersecurity, small businesses face an extremely threatening online landscape. Attacks such as ransomware are strongly on the rise, according to a report by SonicWall. Successful ones can cost a business massive amounts of money — about $1,200 per employee, per Osterman Research. If you think cybercriminals only go after large enterprises, […]
Phishing is a type of social engineering tactic intended to steal personal information from unsuspecting people. It generally occurs in the form of emails or websites appearing to come from reputable companies or organizations, such as credit card companies or charities. The messages often indicate that there is a problem and will request for individuals […]
Hybrid workplaces have never been more in demand than they are today. 9 out of 10 organizations either already have or are planning to create this type of work model for their employees, according to a McKinsey survey of 100 executives spanning a range of locations and trades. Employees and business owners want it, but […]
Typosquatting is a big threat to cybersecurity.
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