Archives - Phishing

Be wary of email hyperlinks

Avoid clicking on hyperlinks in emails; type the URL directly into the address bar instead. If you choose to click on a link, ensure it is authentic before clicking on it. You can check a hyperlinked word or URL by hovering the cursor over it to reveal the full address.

Be suspicious of sloppy emails – they might be phishing scams

Phishing emails are designed to fool you into clicking a link or attachment. To do so, they mimic the look and feel of official corporate or government communications. You can fight back by not engaging with any email that has a long/garbled sender address or subject line, is filled with typos and odd formatting, or […]

How to avoid identity theft in 2018

Are you ready to ward off identity theft? 

How social media use can increase your cyber security risk

There are many cyber security risks when using social media. Here are a few to keep in mind.

4 Tips For Spotting A Phishing Email Scam

Here’s how to spot a phishing scam in the wild.

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month tips: How to secure your sensitive data

In preparation for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, how can you best keep your personal data safe?