Disregard emails or messages that create a sense of urgency and command you to respond to a crisis, such as a problem with your taxes or bank account. These Imposter Scams transpire when you receive an email or call apparently from a government official, family member, or friend urgently requesting that you wire them money […]
Ads and pop-ups regularly ask that you install a new program or update. They might make their case by asserting a everyday application is outdated. Phishing emails sometimes take similar approaches to get you to download an attachment. Don’t fall for them; avoid installing anything unless you intended to do so beforehand.
This year’s initiative highlights the growing importance of cybersecurity and encouraging individuals and organizations to take necessary measures to stay safe and secure in an increasingly connected world. Total Defense a leading provider of Internet security software solutions for consumers and small business today announced its commitment to Cybersecurity Awareness Month, held annually in October, […]
Many articles, posts and other communications contain abundant links, some of which may lead to pages that no longer exist or, worse, are compromised. On a Mac/PC you can hover the mouse cursor over a link to see its destination. On mobile, you can hold to copy it and then paste it into a note.
There have been an increasing number of reported phishing scams via numbers in people’s area codes. Scammers call from numbers that include the first six digits of your own in an effort to get you to answer. As more people answer, the more lucrative it becomes for the scammers, so be sure to ignore numbers […]
Phishing emails are intended to fool you into clicking a link or attachment. To do so, they imitate the look and feel of official corporate or government communications. You can fight back by not engaging with any email that has a long/garbled sender address or subject line, is filled with typos and odd formatting, or […]
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