Email attachments are to some degree unavoidable in normal personal and business communications. Nevertheless, it’s a good idea to minimize your exposure. Don’t open any attachments from people not in your contacts list and ask senders if they can share the document via a cloud link instead, which tends to be much safer.
If you get an email with a link to a store, don’t click on the link to do your shopping. Open up a new tab and find the online store through your browser. This could protect you against phishing scams, which are attempts to gain personal information like your credit card number through reputable-sounding email […]
Times have certainly changed for the majority of businesses as a result of the pandemic, and specifically, for the employees who are now working from home. This adjustment has caused industries and individuals alike to adjust their workflows. Job security isn’t the only thing to worry about, though; there’s also information security concerns. With so […]
Ransomware is commonly delivered through phishing emails or via “drive-by downloads.” Phishing emails often appear as though they have been sent from a legitimate organization or someone known to the victim and entice the user to click on a malicious link or open a malicious attachment. A “drive-by download” is a program that is automatically […]
A malicious email can look just like it comes from a financial institution, an e-commerce site, a government agency or any other service or business. It often urges you to act quickly, because your account has been compromised, your order cannot be fulfilled or there is another urgent matter to address. If you are unsure […]
Phishing emails are currently one of the most prevalent risks to the average user. The goal of a phishing email is to gain information about you, steal money from you, or install malware on your device. Be suspicious of all unexpected emails.
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