As you spend more time online, engaging in a greater variety of activities and digitizing previously analogue aspects of your life, you entrust your personal information to online processes. This opens up avenues that scammers may attempt to take advantage of. Keeping yourself protected from fraudulent activity is increasingly important, since so much of day-to-day […]
Most major consumer email services offer filtering options, most times you can choose what happens to any message coming from a specific sender and/or contains a specific subject line or particular words. For example, you can immediately archive any email with “free” or “unsubscribe” in its body. This can help you clear out high risk […]
These times are especially busy for bad actors. They’ll often target their attacks around the weekends or holidays, when IT infrastructures are at their most vulnerable. Whether at home or work, be extra cautious when opening emails. Phishing scams are especially deceptive at these times. If you receive a suspicious email offering you a great […]
Ads and pop-ups regularly ask that you install a new program or update. They might make their case by asserting a everyday application is outdated. Phishing emails sometimes take similar approaches to get you to download an attachment. Don’t fall for them; avoid installing anything unless you intended to do so beforehand.
Phishing emails are intended to fool you into clicking a link or attachment. To do so, they imitate the look and feel of official corporate or government communications. You can fight back by not engaging with any email that has a long/garbled sender address or subject line, is filled with typos and odd formatting, or […]
Having multiple email accounts can be beneficial to your cybersecurity, though it may appear like more trouble than it’s worth. A system like this lets you avoid giving out your personal email to email newsletters and marketing campaigns, which can reduce the risk of phishing and limit the volume of spam might receive.
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