Be aware that when you post a picture or message online, you may also be inadvertently sharing personal details with strangers about yourself and family members – like where you live. Post only about others, as you would like to have them post about you: the golden rule applies online as well.
Losing your computer can be as bad as losing your wallet or purse, since it probably contains a lot of extractable personal information, including financial details. Disk encryption eliminates this risk by making all data on your hard drive inaccessible to anyone without a specific key (password). Use FileVault on macOS or BitLocker on Windows […]
Pop-up windows, redirects and other aggressive webpage features aren’t just irritating – they’re also, in most cases, major drags on web browser performance, as well as harvesters of your personal information. Consider installing extensions (i.e., add-ons, available from each web browser’s official web store) that block these scripts. You can also configure them to whitelist […]
While some social networks might seem safer for connecting because of the limited personal information shared through them, keep your connections to people you know and trust. Also the default setting for the status update on most social networking applications is that anyone on the Internet can see it. If you only want your trusted […]
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