Archives - Personal Information

Be careful with online form-filling

Filling out online forms – like for shipping or payment info – is not only time-consuming, it’s potentially risky. Entering information over a non-secure (non-HTTPS) connection or on public Wi-Fi or a shared device can jeopardize your data. Reduce your risk by only using safe connections on devices you own. Payment options like PayPal also […]

Limit the amount of personal information you post on social sites

Do not post information that would make you vulnerable, such as your address or information about your schedule or routine. If your connections post information about you, make sure the combined information is not more than you would be comfortable with strangers knowing. Also be considerate when posting information, including photos, about your connections.

Types of Malware: What are Botnets?

Networks of computers infected by malware and controlled remotely by cybercriminals, usually for financial gain or to launch attacks on websites or networks. Many botnets are designed to harvest data, such as passwords, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, and other personal information.

Delete your Google search history

Chances are you’ve run a good number of searches through Google over the years. Google has a record of all of these queries. By visiting the My Activity page for your Google account, you can select the menu indicated by the three dots icon and choose to delete some or all of this activity to […]

Beware of requests to update or confirm your personal information

Most organizations – banks, universities, companies, etc. – don’t ask for your personal information over email. Do not reveal personally identifiable information online such as your full name, telephone number, address, social security number, insurance policy number, credit card information, or doctor’s name. Avoid opening attachments, clicking on links, or responding to email messages from […]

Recognize social engineering schemes in chats and direct messages

Chats and direct messages are essential features of platforms like social networks and online gaming service. Their popularity makes them common conduits for social engineering scams, though. Never click suspicious links or give out sensitive information in these exchanges, especially not to people you’ve just met.