If your bank or another institution with which you have an account calls you, there’s no reason they should have to ask you for personal information like your account number. They should already have that on file and easily accessible if they were planning to contact you. If this happens, it’s likely a scam. Hang […]
With the COVID-19 pandemic apparently nearing its end in the U.S., more people are returning to in-person work. That means more people are applying for jobs, submitting applications left and right, looking for the right fit. In most cases, job applications require a plethora of personal information when being filled out, including addresses, work history, […]
Using a credit monitoring service is a good way to make sure your credit is always intact. If there is suspicious activity in your line of credit, the service provider will alert you. However, according to the Federal Trade Commission, they will not alert you if: A person other than you makes a withdrawal from […]
With the use of COVID-19 vaccines becoming widespread, school districts across the country are gearing up for a return to in-person instruction this fall. After a long stint of remote learning, students and parents alike may have become accustomed to sharing devices like laptops and tablets for both personal and instructional purposes. Here are some […]
Doing a quick Google or Bing search of yourself can help you find out which of your personal information is publicly available. You may also be able to find out if any unauthorized people are using your name. By using operators, you can adjust your search to find out this information. Add an @ sign […]
Spotify only collects relevant personal data, but if you are interested in seeing what they collect, you can request a ZIP file containing what they’ve collected. You can download this file on the Privacy Section of your account page. If you have a more specific request, you can email [email protected].
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