Archives - Personal Information

Keep your home private during conference calls

If you work from home and need to join conference video calls for work, make sure you keep your private home protected by using background blur or wallpaper features. An iteration of these are included in most video call programs and apps, but if you come across one that doesn’t have an option to obscure […]

Overwrite deleted files to fully destroy your data

The idea that deleting files doesn’t truly delete the data in them is, for the most part, true. In order to truly secure your data, you’ll need to perform an overwrite on deleted files so information cannot be recovered by bad actors. This is especially important if you’re planning to sell or dispose of an […]

Use caution when providing your information

Emails that appear to come from a legitimate source and websites that appear to be legitimate may be malicious. An example is an email claiming to be sent from a system administrator requesting your password or other sensitive information or directing you to a website that requests your information. Online services (e.g., banking, ISPs, retailers) […]

Your computer security is important

Computers are an indispensable part of our daily lives. It’s imperative to correctly configure your home computer before linking it to the internet to keep it, and your personal information protected. Because computers play such important roles in our lives, and because we enter and view so much personally identifiable information (PII) on them, it’s […]

Turn off auto-fill

While auto-fill is a very useful feature for reducing the laboriousness of entering your personal information every time you order or book online, it also opens up your personal information for exploitation if your account is compromised, or if your device is stolen. While it might be a little more tedious to have to input […]

Look out for requests to update your personal information

The majority of organizations – banks, universities, companies, etc. – will not ask for your personal information over email. Do not reveal personally identifiable information online such as your full name, social security number, telephone number, address, insurance policy number, credit card information, or doctor’s name. Don’t open attachments, click on links, or respond to […]