Archives - PC Tune-up

Install large software updates overnight

While many updates to operating systems and applications are small and take just a few minutes to complete, others are big and make necessitate hours. To decrease delays and hassle, it’s a good idea to schedule updates overnight, when you’re not using the device and when update servers aren’t as busy. This will also help […]

Clean up your PC once in a while

Over time, your PC will make a whole lot of junk files that can take up quite a bit of space. Every now and then you’ll want to clean out your storage drive to not only free that space up, but also get rid of certain types of files, such as trackers, that you may […]

For better PC performance defragment your hard drive

PCs with spinning hard drives will take longer to start up and access files and applications if they are fragmented. Fortunately, you can use either the built-in defragmentation tools in the operating system, or a more comprehensive tune-up solution like Total Defense PC Tune-up, to organize data into fewer contiguous regions.

For better performance – defragment your PC hard drive

PCs with spinning hard drives will take longer to start up and access files and applications if they are fragmented. Luckily, you can use either the built-in defragmentation tools in the operating system, or a more comprehensive like our PC tune-up solution, to organize data into fewer contiguous regions.

Keep your machine clean

It’s best practice to always use the latest versions of security software, operating system, and web browsers on all your Internet-connected devices. Keeping your security software up to date will prevent hackers from taking advantage of known vulnerabilities. Use a tool like our PC Tune-up to keep your PC running like new.

Clean your internal HDDs with a defragger every so often

Defragging clears your internal hard disk drives of any useless or temporary files on your Windows PC. Not only will it help your system run better; it can get rid of some malicious files as well. You can access the defragger by hitting the Windows key and searching “defrag.” After running the program, select the […]