Archives - Passwords

Lock your devices, like your tablet and smartphone

You lock the front door to your house, and you should do the same with your devices. Use strong passwords to lock your tablet and phone. Securing your devices keeps prying eyes out and can help protect your information in case your devices are lost or stolen.

Rotate your passwords

Many services will allow you to keep the same password for years. That’s dangerous, since data breaches along the way might expose credentials that you use across multiple sites. Create strong passwords using a generator, and update them periodically, every six months or so, to ensure you’re not using anything that’s already been exposed in […]

Back to School- Basic Laptop Protection for Teens and Tweens

It’s that time again. The back-to-school season is more than just a busy transition period marked by new classes and purchases of notebooks and ink pens. It’s also one of the biggest tech upgrade cycles of the year, as students buy tablets and laptops for schoolwork and swap out their old phones for the latest […]

Set up auto-erase to protect against dictionary attacks

A dictionary attack entails repeated guesses of a password, drawn from common possibilities such as dictionary entries. A complex password can blunt these attacks by forcing them to cycle through possibilities for years. Additional protection is available by setting your device to erase itself after a certain number of wrong guesses. Make sure you’ve made […]

Log out of websites when you’re done using them

Staying logged in to a website or app is convenient, but it creates some security risks. Attackers may be able to impersonate your session ID and hijack your account. Log out when you’re finished and use a password manager so it’s easy to log back in.

Set up two-factor authentication on your most important accounts

Complex passwords provide excellent protection against hacking – but what if someone intercepted them? To reduce the risk of password theft, set up two-factor authentication on sensitive accounts. This feature requires anyone requesting access to supply an extra credential, such as a code sent to a separate device, to log in.