Archives - Passwords

Monitor whether your information has been exposed by using Firefox

Mozilla offers a service called Firefox Monitor that will scan the web to report known data breaches that have exposed your personal information, including passwords. Go to, log in to your Firefox account and review the information. They’ll recommend security steps you can take to resolve any issues.

Set PINs and passwords on your mobile device

To prevent unauthorized access to your phone, set a password or Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your phone’s home screen as a first line of defense in case your phone is lost or stolen. When possible, use a different password for each of your important logins (email, banking, personal sites, etc.). You should configure your […]

Create unique passwords for every online account

Do you use the same three passwords to access your email account, facebook page, and online banking? If so, take some time to switch it up. Reusing the same password for multiple online accounts can lead to serious cybersecurity issues. Think about it: If a hacker figures out your email address and password used to […]

Make your passwords long and complex

This is a simple way to improve your personal cybersecurity. When creating a password for a new online account, the more unique it is, the better. Don’t simply use “password” or spell out your name. Passwords like that put your accounts at risk of being hacked. There are tools online to help you come up […]

Keep it locked when traveling

Lock your device when you are not using it. Even if you only step away for a few minutes, that is enough time for someone to steal or misuse your information. Set your devices to lock after a short time and use strong PINs and passwords. In a world where we are constantly connected, cybersecurity […]

How to protect your new laptop in 2020

As the holidays approach, you might be thinking about buying a new laptop for a loved one. Or maybe they’re going to buy one for you! After all, computers make great presents, since most of us rely on them in our personal and professional lives. But laptops aren’t cheap. According to Consumer Reports, most of […]