Archives - Online Shopping

Read seller reviews when shopping online

When you enter your payment information into a form online, you should be 100% sure that the source is trustworthy. Many scammers will pose as online sellers, or implant malware into the code of legitimate retailers with vulnerable pages. If you’re browsing on a site that you’re unfamiliar with, don’t buy anything without doing some […]

Watch out for ticket fraud

Is there an upcoming concert or a sporting event that you’re trying to buy cheap tickets for? Be careful. Selling fake tickets online is one of the top scams on the internet today. Fraudsters will pose as legitimate companies and post attractive ticket prices to trick you into sending them your payment credentials.

Never save your credit card details on online accounts

If you’re someone who does a lot of online shopping, you might have your credit card details saved with certain online accounts. Companies give you this option because they want to increase the likelihood of you making a purchase. While this may be more convenient than always having to manually enter your credit card info, […]

Be careful when shopping online

Anytime you enter payment information on a website, you should be extra careful, since that data could potentially be tracked and harvested by hackers. Before purchasing anything, make sure you’re on a safe network, as in a network that you own, not a public Wi-Fi server. As a rule of thumb, don’t buy anything online […]

E-skimming attacks on the rise as peak online shopping season begins

With the holidays right around the corner, online shopping is poised for a record-breaking season in 2019. Emarketer predicts that consumers will spend over $135 billion this upcoming holiday season. The e-commerce boom precipitated a new cybersecurity threat known as e-skimming, which involves the theft of consumer payment information from online stores. If you’re thinking […]

Shop carefully on

Amazon includes a huge range of products, many with fast shipping. However, you should be careful when shopping there to avoid counterfeits and tainted products. If in doubt, look at the seller’s account as well as the reviews for the product, especially the negative ones.